Sunday, 3 January 2016

Gift Ideas for a woman on Valentine's Day

Gift Ideas for a woman on Valentine's Day
Day Valentine or Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. It is an Anglo-Saxon tradition that has gradually been implemented in other countries. On this day you can give to your partner anything as a sign of your love and affection. While it is important that we show it affection every day, this date may also be held in a special way. In Valentines Candy we give some ideas to give a woman on Valentine's Day.

Give something original, romantic and cheap

In this article we will give you many ideas to give a woman a Valentine according to the budget you have. But first we will explain some very simple ideas but that will surely please them your partners:

  • Full house post-its telling her how much you love her and how good you're with her. Put one in the bathroom mirror, another inthe fridge, another in her purse. Fix up the sandwich or food so you take him to school, college or work and let him have a message inside.
  • Fill a pen-drive with different folders. In a put your songs, in other photos from you met and in another some of the sms, whatsapps or e-mails which you have sent in your relationship. You will love!
  • Bring it to take the place where did you meet, where you you gave the first kiss or remember because it happened something special. The girls are very sentimental and love to relive the most beautiful moments of our lives.
  • Make him a box full of vouchers: voucher for a kiss, a hug voucher, voucher for a massage voucher for a breakfast ... Every time she'll take a voucher to do what he says. No need to spend them all on the same day but certainly can not resist!

Sentimental gift

High budget: give her an overnight stay including romantic dinner, a weekend in the mountains, a photo on your large framed with a message written by you.
Average budget: a dinner in a restaurant, a book of special photos since you started your relationship that you can do on the internet if you download any of these softwares: Fotoprix or Hofmann.
Low budget: a romantic dinner at home, a photo your enmmarcada to put it on your desk, a bubble bath and candles in the bath house, A romantic card made ​​by you.

Give culture

High budget: tickets to go to the opera or a musical play.
Average budget: tickets to go to a concert, go to the theater to hear monologues ...
Low budget: a book, a CD of his favorite singer or band, tickets for an exhibition,

Giving technology

High budget: a laptop, a smartphone, a camera or video iPod, ebook.
Average budget: a webcam, keyboard and wireless mouse.
Low budget: an accessory for your mobile phone or smartphone such as a sheath, a headset, a pendant.

Fashionable gift

High budget: give her a coat, a party dress to take her to dinner or some nice heels.
Average budget: a bag to get fixed, a shirt to go to the gym with your printed photo, a sweater, a set of underwear ...
Budget under: gloves, scarf, hat, stockings

Giving jewelry

High budget: give her a beautiful gold earrings, white gold ring or a pendant with your initials engraved or a sophisticated clock.
Average budget: give her a pendant with your initials engraved silver, a silver ring or a watch daily.
Budget: give her some jewelry: a ring, bracelet, earrings or necklace.

Gift ideas a man in Valentine With these tips you can surprise your partner or the person you're knowing. Read this many ideas to give to a man on Valentine's Day.

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