Saturday, 9 January 2016

Valentine Recipes - How to prepare a romantic sandwich

Valentine Ideas : How to prepare a romantic sandwich

Valentine Recipes - How to prepare a romantic sandwich
Valentine Recipes : Prepare a romantic sandwich
Do you want to surprise your partner with a romantic, delicious and easy to prepare dinner? You can prepare any night or to celebrate Valentine's Day. Let your imagination and whatever you have in the fridge can prepare this romantic sandwich . Just follow these steps.


  • Take two slices of bread and a knife cut them into heart shapes. First cut again and then place it on top of another slice and do the same for the two have exactly the same size.
  • Put the two slices in the toaster browned.
  • Put the sandwich what you most want or like your partner. Here are some ideas: - In a bowl you do a mixture of lettuce cut into julienne, tuna, chopped crab sticks and mayonnaise. Put the mixture over one of the rebanadas.- Spread slices with butter or margarine. Place a slice of cheese, turkey and other sheets of aguacate.- Put in one of the spreadable cheese slices and add a few slices of smoked salmon. Chop a cucumber and put it over the salmon.
  • After you've placed the filling, place the other slice on top.
  • Place the sandwich on a plate with a napkin color to give a special touch ready to eat.

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